EPA's Energy StarĀ® Label, 2000
Enron received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
Energy StarĀ® Label, a mark of excellence conferred on top-performing
buildings that are designed or renovated to reduce harmful air emissions.
The Enron building is one of only 95 Energy Star buildings in the
nation. Organizations that follow the Energy Star approach can reduce
the amount of energy their buildings use by 30 percent on average.
Enron's current building, completed in 1986, was recently renovated
to achieve this award. Enron's new office building, currently under
construction, will be even more energy-efficient than the company's
original building.
Ducks Unlimited Silver Teal Award, 2000
Enron was presented the Silver Teal Award in recognition of donating a total of 3,500
feet of steel pipe to the wetlands conservation organization. The donation, valued
at $42,435, will help develop approximately 5,300 acres of wetland habitat for use
by waterfowl and other migratory birds during wintering and migration periods.
EPA Climate Protection Award, 1998
Enron received this award in recognition of its "exemplary efforts
and achievements in protecting the global climate." Enron was one
of 19 individuals and organizations chosen from an international
field and judged by an international panel selected from industry,
government and international non-governmental organizations.
Proud Partner Award, 1998
Enron received a Proud Partner Award for its Sam Houston Park
native wildflower and wetland gardens project that was created by
Enron employee and family volunteers. The Award is part of the Keep
Houston Beautiful annual awards program.
EPA Natural Gas Star Program Transmission Partner of the Year, 1997,
1998 and 1999
Enron was presented with the 1999 EPA Natural Gas STAR Program
Transmission Partner of the Year Award for the third consecutive
year for outstanding contributions to the STAR Program in the areas
of technology development, outreach and program implementation.
Enron is the only natural gas partner to earn the award three times
and the only gas transmission company to ever receive the award
since its inception in 1997.
Outstanding Corporate Philanthropy Award, 1996
The National Society of Fund Raising Executives, Houston Chapter,
recognized Enron Corp.'s corporate civic leadership by giving Enron
its 1996 Outstanding Corporate Philanthropy Award. Enron's involvement
in conservation activities, including involvement on The Nature
Conservancy's Board for more than 15 years and membership in the
Conservancy's International Leadership Council. Enron is also very
involved in a diverse array of non-profit programs.
Corporate Conscience Award, 1996
The Council on Economic Priorities recognized Enron's commitment
to a better environment through business decisions that have a significant
impact on the cities and countries where Enron employees live and