FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, January 14, 1998
LONDON - Enron representatives today gave evidence at the invitation of the Trade and Industry Select Committee of the House of Commons, which is currently reviewing UK energy policy.
Enron was represented before the Committee by Ralph Hodge, chairman, and David Lewis, vice president, both of Enron Europe.
Key points raised by Enron representatives to the committee were:
- Government policy should expect and welcome an expanded role for gas-fired power generation as there is no foreseeable threat to gas supplies in the future.
- Total remaining UK reserves are estimated to be as high as 3800 billion cubic meters (bcm) against a 1996 production of less than 100 bcm. This represents a 40-year reserve at current production levels.
- The gas delivery infrastructure, both in place and planned, is sufficient to meet current and additional demand, and to provide the responsiveness required by NGC. The system has performed well since privatisation, most recently under stressful weather-related demand situations.
- With regard to power generation, gas is superior economically and environmentally to all other fossil fuels.
- Diversity in the fuel supply system will continue with an increased role for renewable energy sources.
- Government support for coal is inconsistent with stated UK environmental policies. Even "clean coal" plants produce nearly two and a half times as much CO2 as gas, for the same level of energy output. As an illustration, to offset CO2 emissions from each 1000MW of coal-fired generation built in place of gas-fired plants would require the removal of nearly 1.5 million cars from British roads.
- The most practical way of assisting the coal industry is through reforms to the structure of the electricity market which would address market dominance,
promote competition and could save consumers £1 billion per annum in electricity costs.
- The cost of the current moratorium on developing new gas-fired generation could equal a significant percentage of the amount of pensioners' winter fuel allowance.
"We appreciate the opportunity to participate in today's review," said Mark Frevert, CEO of Enron Europe." because we believe firmly that market forces provide the most efficient and effective driver of competition, which ensures supplier choice for UK energy customers. Government policy should not be directed at subsidising inefficient fuel producers. Rather it should ensure a regulatory framework which will address market dominance and encourage competition. Only then will we see reduced prices for consumers and the environmental benefits brought by modern gas-fired generation as older coal fired plants are retired.
"The recent moratorium on new gas-fired power station consents affects projects and long-term investment plans which can increase competition and customer choice among energy suppliers, as well as employment in an industry employing thousands throughout the UK. This moratorium is ill-conceived and we urge the government to lift it immediately."
Editors Notes
Enron has been present in the UK since 1989, operates the world's largest (1875 MW) privately-owned CCGT combined heat and power plant in Teesside, is one of the most active power traders in the country and ranks among the UK's top three futures contract traders on the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE).
Enron Corp., one of the world's largest integrated natural gas and electricity companies with approximately $23 billion (£14 billion) in assets, operates one of the largest natural gas transmission systems in the world; is the largest marketer of natural gas and electricity in North America; is a leading participant in liberalized energy markets in the United Kingdom and the Nordic Countries; markets natural gas liquids worldwide; manages the largest portfolio of fixed-price natural gas risk management contracts in the world; is among the leading entities arranging new capital to the energy industry; owns a majority interest in Enron Oil & Gas Company, one of the largest independent (non-integrated) exploration and production companies in the United States; owns and manages operating power plants and natural gas pipelines around the world; is one of the largest independent developers and producers of electricity in the world; and is a major supplier of solar and wind energy worldwide. Enron's internet address is www.enron.com and its common stock is traded under the ticker symbol, "ENE."
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For additional information please contact:
Joan Wasylik, Enron
44 (0)171 316 5469
Jackie Gentle, Gentle Persuasion
44 (0)191 214 0222