FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, May 10, 1999
HOUSTON – The Board of Directors of Enron Corp. announced today the election of John Mendelsohn, M.D. to the Board, effective immediately. Mendelsohn is president of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
“We are pleased to welcome an individual with the incredible experience, depth and humanity of Dr. Mendelsohn,” said Kenneth L. Lay, chairman and CEO of Enron Corp. “John is a visionary in the Houston medical community, and his perspective will prove valuable as we continue our ongoing efforts to expand the company and increase shareholder value.”
Mendelsohn was elected to the Board’s Audit and Compliance Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.
Mendelsohn replaces Dr. Charls E. Walker, who retired from the Board after serving since 1985.
“Charly has been with Enron since our inception,” Lay said. “We will greatly miss his wisdom, experience, and especially his sense of humor. I’d like to personally thank Charly for his dedication, commitment and his participation in Enron’s growth and success.”
Since becoming president of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in 1996, Mendelsohn has recruited a visionary management team and implemented new priorities for integrated programs in patient care, research, education and cancer prevention. For almost two decades, Mendelsohn has been at the forefront in understanding how growth factors regulate the proliferation of cancer cells by activating receptors on the surface of the cells. He developed specific monoclonal antibodies that block receptors, thereby preventing growth factors from stimulating cell growth and division. His early research led to clinical trials that are evaluating the therapeutic role of combining targeted antibodies with chemotherapy or radiation for patients with several forms of cancer.
A native of Cincinnati, Mendelsohn holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemical sciences from Harvard College. After spending a year in Scotland as a Fulbright Scholar, Mendelsohn received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School.
Enron is one of the world’s leading integrated natural gas and electricity companies. The company owns approximately $30 billion in energy related assets, produces electricity and natural gas, develops, constructs and operates energy and water facilities worldwide and delivers physical commodities and risk management and financial services to customers around the world. Enron’s Internet address is www.enron.com, and the stock is traded under the ticker symbol, “ENE.”
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For additional information please contact:
Mark Palmer
(713) 853-4738