FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, March 25, 1999
HOUSTON – Florida Gas Transmission Company (FGT) announced today it is conducting an open season from March 25 through April 30, 1999, for its Phase V expansion.
“With our existing pipeline infrastructure, Florida Gas Transmission has the ability to meet our customers’ growing energy needs through economical expansions that minimize the impact on land use and the environment,” said Rockford G. Meyer, president of FGT. “This open season is the result of ongoing customer discussions. It will assist FGT and its customers in finalizing the timing and size of a Phase V expansion. The estimated initial in-service date is late 2001 or early 2002.”
FGT also will consider offers from existing shippers to permanently release firm capacity, reducing the need for construction of incremental facilities. Shippers interested in participating in the open season should contact an FGT marketing representative at 713-853-6154.
As previously announced, FGT’s $350 million proposed Phase IV expansion is expected to be in service by May 2001. For the Phase IV expansion, eight shippers executed 20-year firm commitments for 272,000 MMBtu/day of incremental firm service, net of turn-back capacity.
Florida Gas Transmission, a wholly owned subsidiary of Citrus Corp, operates an approximately 5,000-mile interstate natural gas transmission system from South Texas to South Florida. Citrus Corp. is owned jointly by a subsidiary of Enron Corp. of Houston and Sonat Inc. of Birmingham, Ala. Detailed information is available on the Internet at www.fgt.enron.com.
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For additional information please contact:
Gina Taylor
(713) 853-7681