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Bandwidth Intermediation

We exceeded our expectations by delivering more than 72,000 terabytes of network services in 2000, demonstrating rapidly growing industry acceptance of our flexible services. We are creating the risk management building blocks to manage almost every element of the network in addition to bandwidth: dark fiber, (IP) services (transporting data packets according to IP standards) and storage capacity.

To date we have transacted with 45 counterparties, including U.S. and international telecommunications carriers, marketers and resellers and network service providers. In 2001 we expect to deliver 570,000 terabytes as we grow both the breadth and the depth of our network and products. We offer 32 bandwidth-related products on EnronOnline.

Enron’s ability to provide bandwidth-on-demand at specified service levels and guaranteed delivery enables customers to access capacity without necessarily building, buying or expanding their own networks. Our bundled intermediation package includes IP transport over land, under the sea, and via satellite, at both fixed and peak-usage terms. For example, we are working with i2 Technologies, a global provider of intelligent eBusiness solutions, to connect with customers in six cities, including four overseas. i2 has provisioned local-loop and long-haul capacity through Enron, and has low-cost access to our network’s equipment as if it were its own, but it now has the flexibility to quickly add or discard capacity as day-to-day needs change.

Data storage is a $30 billion-per-year business, and we know customers would like to purchase it on an as-needed basis. In January 2001 we completed our first data storage transactions with a leading provider of managed storage services, StorageNetworks, and a large retailer, Best Buy. Best Buy is buying off-site storage capacity to save money and gain flexibility to accommodate changing storage needs.

