Customer Relationships
The core of Enron’s retail business is developing
long-term, multi-year relationships with our customers.
The value at contract signing is only a part
of the potential value that can be realized when
satisfied customers seek to add additional Enron
services to their contracts.
Of the $16.1 billion in total contract value
signed in 2000, approximately $3 billion came from
expansions of existing contract relationships. For
example, in 1998, we signed a five-year, $250 million
contract with World Color Press, which later merged
with Quebecor Printing. In 2000, based on Quebecor
World’s satisfaction, the relationship was extended
and expanded to a 10-year, $1 billion agreement
including not only commodity supply, but also overall
energy management, including the design and
implementation of improvements in energy asset
infrastructure in more than 60 facilities operated
by Quebecor World.
We value our long-term customer relationships,
and the health of these relationships can’t
be left to luck, instinct or vague impressions. Our
Customer Satisfaction Program continually captures
our performance against expectations and
benchmarks those results. Further, it is designed
to ensure identification and resolution — including
prompt escalation to the executive level if needed
— of any issue that might arise.