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Market Volatility

The U.S. energy sector experienced unprecedented challenge and opportunity in 2000. In national terms, steady movement toward a functioning deregulated energy marketplace continues. More than half the country’s population is scheduled to be able to choose their electricity supplier by 2004. The ongoing energy crisis in California has focused everyone’s attention on the complexities of incomplete deregulation, the risks of unreliable supply and the costs of unmanaged energy demand. Enron provides commercial and industrial energy customers with the solutions they need, bringing reliability and price-risk management to a market otherwise fraught with uncertainty.

The volatility of energy prices across the country has heightened the value of energy management and increased the demand for retail services. With our series of capabilities — energy commodity and price risk management capabilities, energy asset management and capital solutions — we remain the only firm with the skill, experience, depth and versatility to provide a comprehensive solution to address uncertain, rapidly changing markets.

