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Enron Broadband Services

We have created a new market for bandwidth intermediation with Enron Broadband Services. In 2000 we completed 321 transactions with 45 counterparties. We are expanding our broadband inter-mediation capabilities to include a broad range of network services, such as dark fiber, circuits, Internet Protocol service and data storage. Our opportunities are increasing commensurately.

Part of the value we bring to the broadband field is network connectivity — providing the switches, the network intelligence and the inter-mediation skills to enable the efficient exchange of capacity between independent networks. We operate 25 pooling points to connect independent third-parties — 18 in the United States, six in Europe and one in Japan. At least 10 more are scheduled to be completed in 2001.

Enron also has developed a compelling commerical model to deliver premium content-on-demand services via the Enron Intelligent Network. Content providers want to extend their established businesses and offer viewers at home an additional convenient way to choose and receive entertainment. Enron provides the wholesale logistical services that bridge the gap between content providers and last-mile distributors. Full-length movies-on-demand service has been successfully tested in four U.S. metropolitan markets.

