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Strong Returns

Enron is increasing earnings per share and continuing our strong returns to shareholders. Recurring earnings per share have increased steadily since 1997 and were up 25 percent in 2000. The company’s total return to shareholders was 89 percent in 2000, compared with a negative 9 percent returned by the S&P; 500. The 10-year return to Enron shareholders was 1,415 percent compared with 383 percent for the S&P; 500.

Enron hardly resembles the company we were in the early days. During our 15-year history, we have stretched ourselves beyond our own expectations. We have metamorphosed from an asset-based pipeline and power generating company to a marketing and logistics company whose biggest assets are its well-established business approach and its innovative people.

Our performance and capabilities cannot be compared to a traditional energy peer group. Our results put us in the top tier of the world’s corporations. We have a proven business concept that is eminently scalable in our existing businesses and adaptable enough to extend to new markets.

As energy markets continue their transformation, and non-energy markets develop, we are poised to capture a good share of the enormous opportunities they represent. We believe wholesale gas and power in North America, Europe and Japan will grow from a $660 billion market today to a $1.7 trillion market over the next several years. Retail energy services in the United States and Europe have the potential to grow from $180 billion today to $765 billion in the not-so-distant future. Broadband’s prospective global growth is huge — it should increase from just $17 billion today to $1.4 trillion within five years.

Taken together, these markets present a $3.9 trillion opportunity for Enron, and we have just scratched the surface. Add to that the other big markets we are pursuing — forest products, metals, steel, coal and air-emissions credits — and the opportunity rises by $830 billion to reach nearly $4.7 trillion.

Our talented people, global presence, financial strength and massive market knowledge have created our sustainable and unique businesses. EnronOnline will accelerate their growth. We plan to leverage all of these competitive advantages to create significant value for our shareholders.

Kenneth L. Lay

Jeffrey K. Skilling
President and Chief Executive Officer

